Imei Iphone 確認. Thirdly, locate, and click on the devices button. System version for iphone device.
Au Imei 確認方法 Iphone from
In itunes, click the summary tab to see its information. Afterward, choose and click the summary tab. 携帯電話のimei(international mobile equipment identity、国際移動体装置識別番号)、またはmeid(mobile equipment identifier、携帯機器識別番号)は、端末固有の番号です。同じimeiやmeidを持った端末は存在しないため、失くしたり、盗まれてしまった携帯電話を追跡.
Au Imei 確認方法 Iphone
Checks model, color, capacity, coverage, activation status, replaced status, apple blacklist, carrier, simlock, find my iphone, and more pro info for free. Imei check is the best feature that has been created for the gsm industry. After checking the imei number you will receive the following information from iphone servers. Lastly, double click on your phone’s number and discover your imei.